Blood Disorders
Blood has been keeping the history by inheriting the masculine traits from generation to generations. However every man dose not make the history, he might be inheriting something that may end the future of his generations. Blood disorders are commonly inherited diseases. This inheritance may not make you siblings be proud of you.

Common blood disorders are present in most of the population, however only few are aware of them. Reason for this awareness is their responsible behavior for their health. “Blood work” that the laboratory testes and diagnostic treatment is essential to know any disorder about the blood running in your veins.
Anemia, Blood Cholesterol, Hemophilia, High Blood Pressure and
HIV/AIDS are the common blood disorders. Anemia is an inherited blood disorders and is caused to inherited abnormality of the red blood cells. Decreased number of red blood cells or decreased number of substances in red blood cell may cause this disorder. In this disease ability of blood to provide desired level of oxygen is affected to due poor performance of the red blood cells. Dizziness, tinnitus, syncope, headache, irritability, difficulty sleeping or concentrating, palpitation and fatigue are the main symptoms of anemia.
Excess of cholesterol builds up on the walls of the arteries that carry blood, causing major heart diseases. This may narrows the arteries, which make the blood flow slower. When the heart receives less blood, it is not able to produce the desired level of oxygen. The patient will feel cheat pain which eventually result into heart attack and in cases death.
High blood pressure is the abnormal flow of blood into the human body. High blood pressure causes hypertension. Hemophilia is also a genetic disease; blood of Hemophilia patient loses its bloody form firm clot in normal conditions. The patient will bleed for hours after an injury. It may cause internal bleeding to the patient which damages the tissues and can be fatal for the patient.
HIV is the most discussed blood disorder since it can not be cured; therefore everybody is advised to prevent the disease by adopting proper precautionary measures. Use of condoms while having sex, new syringes and only approved bloods should be used in case of emergency. Any compromise on theses factor may cause HIV, which not curable and fatal. All these common disorders can grow into major heart disease if not cured properly.